Fair Lawn live Art Class Spring Summer 2021 Russian Avant-Garde

By Boris Kuznetsov (other events)

22 Dates Through May 26, 2021

Fair Lawn Live classes!!

(English text below)
Мы открыты для живых уроков!  Один день в неделю, в Fair Lawn’e в среду  в 6 и в 7 вечера. 

Semester tuition $444 for 12 classes. The rest of the semester is prorated- please check  the starting date!

Contact us for help with any questions.

Programm for Spring/ Summer 2021 ( April 7th- June 23rd)

Русский авангард начала ХХ века.

Изучаем основоположников русского авангарда.

Самые известные имена-Малевич, Кандинский, Филонов, Шагал, Бурлюк, Делоне, Ларионов, Лисицкий, Татлин, Гончарова, Бакст, Бенуа, Сомов, Рерих и другие.

От лубка и картины группы Мир Искусства, через Лучизм и Футуризм к Супрематизму, Кубизму и Мистицизму.

На каждом уроке мы будем посвящать время истории искусств, разбирать самые главные моменты каждого направления и работать в самых разнообразных техниках и стилях того времени.


Уроки включают в себя  вводные мини лекции по истории искусств. 

Hooray! We are open in our Fair Lawn Studio (At All Bright Center) Wednesdays, classes  are  at 6 and 7 pm ( 8pm might be possible for advanced classes, portfolios and adults ( 14+)

Our program will be based on studying turn of XX century art- Postimpresisonism, Constructivism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism...will work using waterbased oil paints and clay ( will study Degas, Rodin, Moore and Maillol sculptures)

Classes will include introductions to different styles and movements of Art History.

Tuition is based on a Semester. Classes are held in Russian and English.

Calendar: Wednesdays 6:00 and 7:00 pm classes  will start from april 7th till June 23rd


Semester tuition discounted and as marked in tickets ( starting from $37 a class) ! Single drop off class rate $45 an hour. 

Please understand that we will follow the basic NJ State guidelines to stay tuned to the current situation, masks may be required in class, also our group size will be smaller this semester. We will be doing our best to keep everyone posted with our updates and changes. 

Please use paypal to [email protected] 

or ticketleap:  to register.

Always send us all your contact information including phone numbers  to [email protected] to complete the enrollement.

contact us with questions


We will also continue our Zoom online classes this semester

web site: 

please note that we are currently working on website updates and the information on a site might be outdated. Ask questions if confused!



Classes are open for children 5+, teens and adults